Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thursday classes

No water in my part of Cork City. I'm not in the mood for blogging but for what it is worth I will say what I think about last week.

Last Thursday I was very disappointed with our CIT module lecturer. I spent 35 minutes at the bus stop on Washington Street in the rain looking at several of buses number 5 drive past me. Eventually had to take bus number 8 to somewhere in Bishopstown just so that I can walk in the rain to the campus to find out that I could have stayed dry in my bed for the morning because the class never took place. However, the attendance had been taken before I managed to get to the class and now I am loosing a chance to get marks for attendance even though, unlike some people, I had showed up for the class. If I decided to skip the class due to the weather and only showed up for the useful classes I would have not gotten so wet waiting for the bus because after 9:00am catching bus number 5 on Washington is not a problem. I was naive enough to think that it would still be worth getting wet. You can imagine my disappointment now that I got nothing out of it but a dreadful cold.

Thank you very much!!!

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